Advice on buying a 17" powerbook


I'm looking for opinions and it sure looks like this is the place to get some. :-)
I am currently the owner of a Dell. I have wanted to make the Switch for a long time. Really badly. I have been waiting for the rumored new 15" powerbooks, and then I think, hmm, a 17" would only be $500 more.
What will I use it for? Web design. I'm very early in my "career" - yes, I'm a wannabe, but a very serious one. I want to be able to work upstairs or downstairs at my house (the humongous Dell is in my upstairs office). I want to be able to meet people at their place of work or even a Starbucks, but with MY computer. Thus, I conclude that I should get a laptop.
1) Isn't upgrading very, very limited with a laptop. (For example, when new stuff comes out, you can improve your old powermac, but aren't you pretty much stuck with what you get at your original purchase with a laptop?) This might lead me to go with a less expensive powerbook.
2) If I get a 17" I'd like to do it while the Suite MX special deal is in effect. Is the best thing to do to wait until these next two big conferences (wwdc and the creative/expo thing) have happened, in case there are any snazzy developments, or is it time to just get one?
Maybe I'm just stalling around indecisively. That's fine, kick me in the butt. I just know that I can't afford to buy a powerbook and then buy a powermac a year later. This is a lot of money. I promise if I buy a mac i'll only write really short questions here on the message board. Nice meeting all of you!
1) Yes, but this isn't as much of a problem as it used to be. Now you have the option of adding additional hard drives using FireWire or USB - in the past you would have had a hard time upgrading your hard drive space. But yes, you are pretty much stuck with the processor and graphic chipset with a laptop.

2) It's hard to say, but Macromedia's MX products are relatively new and are unlikely to become redundant for some time yet. If you can get the tools you need as part of a bundled deal, and thus save some cash, then go for it. Usually, updated apps mean some new features that are really only valuable to experienced, professional users. For everyone else, today's version is more than enough. Give yourself some time to get into the Macromedia suite before you run out to buy the latest and greatest.

The PowerBook is a fair bit of money, but it is the most enviable portable out there, bar none, and will leave a lasting impression on you and your clients. ;-)
buy it! my advice is generally outside all pratically, but just drop the three g's and bring it home - i wish i could...
even if new hardware comes out at the next wwdc you don't exactly need a beast of a machine to work on webdesign, if you want to get started now go ahead. don't hold off your decision - if you have the need for a powerbook now get a powerbook now.
and i definetly agree that anyone who see's you with that beauty at a starbucks would have to drop their jaw!
I've heard some complaints for some web designer classmates at my school that got the 17'' powerbook. Here are some:

1. Too big to lug around. They are so scared to bring it anywhere else that they might break it.

2. Keys. The keys? They're fine to me!

3. I guess that's it.

It is indeed a nice portable to have. More real estate for your apps and other things. Althought I would opt for the 15" powerbook. But that's just my preference. Make sure that portable is the way to go. Some people make the switch to desktop because it's more ideal for them esp. designers.
I got the 17" and I love it - but it is big. (for better or for worse). It's a bit to lug around, but the screen size makes it worth it for me.
If the resolution were higher on the pb graphics cards (my only complaint), I'd have 'settled' for the 15. But I covet screen real estate as a graphics and web designer, so i went 17.

They keyboard is awesome (IMO, a huge improvement over typical laptop keyboards (15tibook included). If you think you can handle the smaller screen (who knows, maybe the new 15" will have better resolution), then wait for the new 15" (prolly at WWDC this month).

but I DO love my 17" - it's incredible!

hope this helps some
btw - I "switched" with the purchase of my 17" pb, and I haven't touched my 3 PCs since. :)