I need to sell my 17' imac. Thinking ebay is the best way to go. It's in perfect condition. 'Satchel" has 512mb and an airport card. The imac has No dead/stuck/dying pixels and has ZERO tilt in either direction, it's dead even. Not that it would bring the price up much but I'm including Mac OS 10.2,Photoshop Elements 2.0(Edu Version),Imovie 2 & Mac OS X(V10.1) The Missing Manuals. Also included in the deal is Microsoft Office v. X. All included software comes on Legit CD's which I bought. Oh also Imac has the extended Apple Care Coverage. Of course also included in the sale are the original keyboard,mouse and pro speakers. Anyway I don't have a clue what price I should sell the package for. Any feedback would be appreciated. One last thing included would be a Epson Photo 820 which I got free after rebate at the time I purchased the imac last September/October. http://homepage.mac.com/doyal/PhotoAlbum23.html