Ahem ... you know who are.


Barking at the moon.
Okay okay, I'll admit it was funny. I got a decent laugh out of it, but signing me up for the porn-by-mail emailing lists needs to stop. I appreciate the jesture, but if I really want to get that stuff I'll subscribe myself.

just curious scott, but how do you know that somebody signed you up? isn't it possible that somewhere you used your credit card sold your info to somebody? (who maybe then sold it to somebody else even)

or is this coming thru an email address that you only use for this site?

i'll admit that i don't get gay porn ads, but i do get the occasional adult entertainment spam and have been since my early days on the internet.

(i'm not sure, but i get the idea that the silicon industry is behind this:p )
I only use themacko@mac.com for this site .. but it gets forwarded to my 'real' email address (which will remain anonymous for obvious reasons). At the bottom of the email, it says:

If you did not request this subscription, someone did on your behalf.

It's a harmless joke and I'm not at all mad, I just don't especially want that stuff flowing into my inbox.
well, whatever. All I'm saying is that I didn't sign myself up for it, no one outside of these forums knows this email address, and I'm suddenly being subscribed to porn lists through the magic of the internet. Jeesh. :rolleyes:
Here's what I do when people do this stuff to me:

Open up your Mail.app program and go into the Preferences, under "Rules" click "Create Rule" then in Criteria do this:


Then type whatever the e-mail address is that keeps sending you junk. Or change the criteria to this:


and type "Sex" or "Porn" into the text box next to it. Works like a charm if you're not a pervert. :)
Signing people up for all kinds of newsletters? Wow, what a novel idea. Once, after my brother told me his girl friend was pregnant, I used Sherlock to find anything related to "pregnancy" and I tried to sign him up to receive a bunch of "baby stuff" newsletters. Unfortunately, the sites didn't like his email address. But I thought it would be a nice little "evil" thing for a brother to do. You'd have to know how we interact to fully appreciate our sense of humor.

You know, when this kind of thing succeeds, those sites share your email address with other businesses, further increasing your SPAM load.

If you don't like someone, go here:


and send someone an anonymous voodoo doll with a "kind" message.
It could have been found with a web crawler harvesting email addresses. Especially if it is in a mailto link. Thats why it is often suggested to do somebody at something.com.

Some jerks at school signed me up for a whole ton of spam once as a 'joke'. It wasn't porn, but I'm still getting tons of it today.
This SPAM stuff needs to stop. But it never will. Just read the July 2002 MacAddict. You can go to bulklist.com and buy "10 million Email Adresses for one low price."
When I got back from my 1 week vacation, I had over 350 emails. I read 2 of them! 2 ! Everything else was SPAM!
The thing that stinks is that my yahoo allows me to only make 15 filters and only block x amount of addys. Kinda stupid since I have BS coming from left and right. I would sue them for waste of time if I could :p