AI System (works too)

Can't wait for the Matrix to become a reality can we? :D

P.S. That's scary. Try Skyscraper. :)

"Is it originally from the Mediterranian? I say Probably."

Riiight ...

Nice plaything though. Now wait till you see these things in court or at your doctors office and _then_ be impressed (or scared).
Heh, I beat it. :p

You were thinking of a gnat.
Does it live in groups(gregarious)? You said Unknown, I say Yes.
Can it affect you(cause an effect to you)? You said No, I say Yes.
Can it be heard? You said No, I say Yes.
Does it live in cities? You said Irrelevant, I say Yes.
Does it live in large populations? You said Irrelevant, I say Yes.
Do you find it in the sky? You said Irrelevant, I say Yes.
Does it have a hard outer shell? You said Probably, I say No.
Is it smooth? You said Probably, I say No.
Is it a vegetarian? You said Unknown, I say No.
Can you find it in a church? You said Maybe, I say No.
Is it a herbivore? You said Unknown, I say No.
Is it a nocturnal animal? You said No, I say Probably.
Does it make sound? You said No, I say Probably.
Does it eat leaves? You said Unknown, I say No.
Does it live in the jungle? You said Unknown, I say Yes.
Is it awake at night? You said No, I say Yes.
Contradictions Detected
It does not matter if our answers disagree, over time the game will change its answers to reflect common knowledge. If you feel that the game is in error, the only way to fix it is to play again.

All right, so maybe I didn't know all the answers right...but so what :p
okay, 29 questions and it partially got it to something i was thinking about... :err:
"energy" 27 questions, I win! :D

There must be some strange nodes ...

Uncommon Knowledge about energy
Do you wear it? I say Probably.
Is it a mammal? I say Probably.
Does it have claws? I say Probably.
Can it be stolen? I say Yes.
Is it something you can wear? I say Yes.
Is it made from paper? I say Probably.
Does it have a tail? I say Probably.
Does it have striped fur? I say Probably.
Is it furry? I say Probably.
Can it swim? I say Probably.
Does it live in the forest? I say Probably.
Does it have fangs? I say Probably.
Does it make a good pet? I say Probably.
Is it combustible? I say Probably.
Does it travel on roads? I say Probably.
Is it considered intelligent? I say Probably.
Hmm, won again. I guess it doesn't like my answers :p

I was thinking of a guys have to see what it thinks are like a soul. :D

You win

Play Again

You were thinking of the soul.
You said it is classified as Unknown, I say Other.
Does it grow over time? You said Unknown, I say Yes.
Do you use it at work? You said Irrelevant, I say Yes.
Does it come in many varieties? You said Yes, I say Doubtful.
Is it soft? You said Unknown, I say Doubtful.
Can you make money by selling it? You said No, I say Yes.
Does it move? You said No, I say Yes.
Is it commonly used? You said Yes, I say Doubtful.
Is it something you bring along? You said No, I say Yes.
Is it usually colorful? You said Unknown, I say No.
Would you use it in the dark? You said Irrelevant, I say Yes.
Is it colorless? You said Unknown, I say Yes.
Does it involve contact with other humans? You said No, I say Yes.
Contradictions Detected
It does not matter if our answers disagree, over time the game will change its answers to reflect common knowledge. If you feel that the game is in error, the only way to fix it is to play again.

Similar Objects
the color green, a wish, sleep, a miracle, happiness, the future, a scholarship, a poem, an oxymoron, laughter, peace, a conscience.

Uncommon Knowledge about the soul
Is it larger than a microwave oven(or bread box)? I say Probably.
Can liquids pass through it? I say Probably.
Can you open it? I say Probably.
Is it straight? I say Yes.
Is it a domesticated animal? I say Probably.
Does it come in pairs? I say Probably.
Can it be refilled? I say Probably.
Would you touch it with a 10-foot pole? I say Probably.
Is it yellow? I say Probably.
Does it get hard? I say Probably.
Is it transparent? I say Probably.
Does it produce heat? I say Yes.
Is it used to calculate? I say Probably.
Does it live in cities? I say Yes.
Does it make music? I say Yes.
Does it roll? I say Yes.
Well, I stumped the game, it said I won. It could not correctly guess "personal development" from the answers I gave to the questions. It looks like a lot of hard work went into that program.
I am guessing that it is an electron?
Yes , No , Close
19. Does it move? Yes.
18. Can you control it? Yes.
17. Is it dangerous? No.
16. Does it help accomplish tasks? Yes.
15. Are there many different sorts of it? No.
14. Is it involved in movies? Irrelevant.
13. Was it invented? No.
12. Do you use it at work? Irrelevant.
11. Does it require specific knowledge to use it? Yes.
10. Can any age group use it? Irrelevant.
9. Is it usually visible? No.
8. Do you use it in your home? Irrelevant.
7. Does it grow over time? No.
6. Does it make sound? Irrelevant.
5. Does it get wet? Irrelevant.
4. Is it considered valuable? Irrelevant.
3. Can you buy it at a store? Irrelevant.
2. Do you hold it when you use it? Irrelevant.
1. It is classified as Other.
Regarding Soul:
Similar Objects
the color green, a wish, sleep, a miracle, happiness, the future, a scholarship, a poem, an oxymoron, laughter, peace, a conscience.

LOL! Getting a bit poetical there, huh? :D
silly sillies! you are supposed to beat it! for a while. it learns. thats the idea. the more you play it (assuming you give it good answers) the better it will get.

it reminds me of a chat bot i played with a while back. i think it was called smiley or something. but you chattted with it and it learned how to respond by your responses. last i heard though it was getting "reworked" because people were giving it bad data.
Best one on that list I got: a soul is like an oxymoron. Heh. I don't think that way personally, but I find that pretty funny. :D