AIM help


Hey... I am pretty new to Mac...

i need some help using AIM...

my buddies try to send me a file (mp3) through AIM's file transfer but it never works! It ALWAYS fails... they always show me some type of message regarding firewalls... i have cable and connect via Airport from the linksys network in my home...

any clue how i have to set up AIM or anything to get it to work? I really wanna share files with them...

thanks for the help!
Just so you know, AIM has a HORRID system for file sharing. A firewall will make it near impossible to connect with people. It may even be the Airport causing the problems. Check to see if either you, or the person sending you the file is firewalled, and if one is, try removing it. Hope it helps :)
Hello Ravin,

If you're using Mac OS 9, there's not much that can be done for you. I think AOL has integrated a system which kills MP3 transfers, anyway. Try to ZIP the file, who knows.

If you're using MacOS X.1, hm... try other clients who support AIM connections, such as Fire or Proteus.

If using MacOS X.2, use iChat, from your menu bar. MP3 transfers work from there, believe me.
I had huge troubles with iChat AND NetBarrier.
But i think the OS (bugs due to factory trouble on the HDD) was in cause.
Now it's fine. :)
Hey... I use 10.2.5

As I said... I have wireless and I think the problem may be that the linksys router has a built in firewall of somesort...

here is the thing though... I downloaded MSN messenger... none of my friends can send me files nor can I send them files....

BUT... my desktop in my room is able to send me MP3's!! However, I still cannot send the desktop anything...

i'll try proteus now because Fire doesnt work for it either :(

anymore ideas?
Ahhhh... now i DL Fire and I can send my desktop files...

but now my desktop cant send the Mac files... it says:

"We could not send this file because the connection is blocked. Please contact your system administrator or Internet service provider; they may be able to enable file transfers."
Proxyma, if you want to be helpful please give the help oon the board here and don't just advertise your site. :)

Ravin, I use linksys sometimes. It does not block me sending or receiving the files if the others settings are similar to mine ... at least in iChat. Fire seems to work as well, but I can't say anything about msn as I don't use it.

What are your settings in System Preferences /Sharing? All the settings threre, which is active and which is not?
Under "services"... I have personal file sharing on, windows file sharing on, and FTP Access on...

then under "firewall", I have AOL IM checked and MSN messenger checked...

everything seems sporadic...

But 1 thing is for sure... I can send and receive files through MSN messenger with this iBook and my toshiba laptop flawlessly... we both use wireless if that has anything to do with it?...

confused for sure... read something about port triggering?!?
Alright, need to bring this thread back up. Every time I get sent an MP3 over AIM, I cant play it, since it shows up as a "picture clipping", instead of an mp3. I cant figure out how to save the file to my computer. Every time I drag it, it shows up as a picture clipping on my desktop.
If the person tries to send it by sticking the file in the chat box in AIM, it will probably falter (as you have experienced). If they go to People > Send File (and you're in AIM), it will pop up a box asking you to download it. In iChat, you should be able to drag the file (which will appear in the chat window anyway) to an appropriate application, such as Quicktime Player or iTunes, in the Dock.