Air france - Free iPod


The Late: SuperMacMod

Air France is offering customers of its "l'Espace Affaires" business class service an opportunity to get a free iPod mini; all they have to do is purchase a ticket from now to Nov. 15, 2004. Tickets must originate from any Air France U.S. gateway for travel to any European destination, and travel must be completed by Jan. 15, 2005. Additional restrictions apply. Once travel is completed, passengers mail their information to an Air France address, and the airline then sends them an iPod mini within six to ten weeks.
Considering how much a business class ticket costs, I'd rather just buy the iPod mini if I really wanted one.
Neato, bobw :)

Just forwarded that to some people who are coming to Europe soon. Lets see if the company pays for their business class ipod mini.