Airport auto connects by itself


Airport connects to the internet automatically, irrespective of whether the computer is on or not. When the computer is on the internet connect icon on the menu shows a connection, after disconnect it will continue to reconnect by itself. No internet related software is running (happens even in the middle of the night)
Using snow Airport with V4.0.8 software and airport card software v 1.3.1
Ibook 700 mhz with 640 mb ram, aircard, OS10.2.6
There is an option in your TCP/IP preferences to have the computer automatically connect if you use Ethernet. I set my iMac up that way, and it continually tries to connect, even though it rarely sees an Internet connection.

Do you have a Base Station that's connecting? I'd guess it's trying to keep the connection alive so you can use it whenever you need or want to.