Whitehill Registered Jun 29, 2006 #1 Does anyone know of a simple monitor for Airport base stations? Dock widget? Menu bar icon? I use my BS, with its modem, as a backup internet connection. It would be handy to easily see its connection status.
Does anyone know of a simple monitor for Airport base stations? Dock widget? Menu bar icon? I use my BS, with its modem, as a backup internet connection. It would be handy to easily see its connection status.
sgould Registered Jun 29, 2006 #2 iStumbler has a small monitor window that you can hide in a corner of the screen. Almost transparent and sits in front of the other stuff. www.istumbler.com
iStumbler has a small monitor window that you can hide in a corner of the screen. Almost transparent and sits in front of the other stuff. www.istumbler.com
Whitehill Registered Jun 29, 2006 #3 I got iStumbler and tried it. It seems to require a wireless network. On my laptop, with an airport card, it sees the base station; on my G5 it doesn't see it. I use the BS as a cheap router on a wired network.
I got iStumbler and tried it. It seems to require a wireless network. On my laptop, with an airport card, it sees the base station; on my G5 it doesn't see it. I use the BS as a cheap router on a wired network.