Airport Card not working on my new Macbook


I have a Macbook that is 3 months old and for some reason, all of the sudden the airport stopped receiving signal. It was working fine, and then all of a sudden all of the available wireless networks went away.

There are 17 available networks (that's what my PC says), and the Macbook doesn't see any of them. It was working great up until now.

I tried turning the Airport on and off in the menu at the top right of the screen, but to no avail.

Dear god, seventeen!!! networks?

You should be more worried about brain cancer!


Sometimes this happens to me at work; usually it's because of my router, but obviously that's not the case... given the age of the machine, I'm guessing that a simple reboot will fix it. Also, if you haven't already done so, install all the OS X updates.

Beyond that, it's possible that something changed in the "Network" system preference pane. Make sure that Airport is activated and is pulling a DHCP address.