Airport connecting to 2 wireless routers - a pain


Hi guyz, I connect to a wireless router in work and at home, for home i just set the setting through firefox to connect "auto-detect proxy settings for this network" and it works fine, but in work, this does not work, i have to set it to "Manual proxy configuration" with an ip address the it department give me.

What i would like to know are 2 things:

1) Am i doing the right thing my changing the settings in Firefox, or should these setting be configured outside of the browser?

2) How can i set this up, so i don't have to keep changing it form auto to manual each time.

Many thanks for any help :)
You should be able to do "locations" in the Network system preference pane. You should be able to set proxies there.
Do i have to set up 2 locations, one for work and one for the home? How do chosse between the 2 quickly? and what setting do i leaveon the FireFox proxy settings page>

I'm not entirely sure whether Firefox inherits the Network-settings' settings, although it should. Then you'd simply choose the correct location in the Apple menu under "Location". You'd have to test it. (I haven't used Location Manager since Mac OS 8.6.) But yes, you'd need to create two locations.
Thanks, i have created them, but FireFox seems to want to use it's own!

Safari so far seems to work with this method. I am downloading camino now, as this looks like FF and is suppose to be quicker on a mac.

I'll let you know how it goes.
Ok, at home and the locations work fine with Camino (so much like FF) FF is still doing it's own thing, so i have given up on that!

One question, how can i get the locations to appear as a quick select on the top menu bar? or is there a way to automatically make it switch when it detects a certain wirless network name?