Airport Express and windows


New to Mac after 20+ years as a PC person.

My home network consists now of an IMac, MacBook Pro, (both on OSX7) and a Sony running WinXP Pro SP2. My linksys router calved, and I went out and bought an Airport Express. The two macs are on line no issues. Two problems have come up:

1. The WinXP laptop cannot see the airport network. Refresh wireless, nothing. This was not an issue with the Linksys, as all three computers ran fine and shared, etc. etc. The network with the airport has a new name, and I have WEP2 enabled on it, but I am not even getting the oppotunity to see the network frm Windows to enter a password. Apple support tells me tough, it's a windows problem, not theirs.

2. I have an HP4110 All in One. It is plugged into the airport express. When I try to add this printer, I get "Error 9672" and can't install it. I have the latest drivers downloaded for the printer. Again, Apple support told me it is HP's problem, not theirs. Not great support, by the way.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.