Airport Extreme and Siemens Wireless Base Station


Hey guys, I know basically nothing of Macs, but I have to set up this OSX box on the network.

I've tried multiple things, but I'm stumped. Mainly because I've used a mac only ... 3 times in my life. Probably.

Anyway. First things first. Is it even possible to use the Airport Extreme to connect to a non airport base station (SpeedStream 2624)? If so, then could someone help me setting it up?

I was going to get into describing things I've done, but I'll just wait and provide what's needed. Macs make me sad... :p
airport extreme can connect to any wifi signal. to set it up, use the airport setup assistant. it should be in system preferances or utilties.
I tried that, but it didn't seem to do me any good. I tried what some people suggested using mac/istumbler and it didn't find it, so I changed waps to the wrt54g and I moved the wap upstairs next to the computer... nothing. After a while I moved it upstairs a second time, this time, the side panel was off. It found the wap, but the max distance it could be was about 4 feet away... I'm guessing there's a problem with the card or something with the mac.