Airport Extreme drops out and powerbook stalls when put to sleep



I recently had to get a new Logic board and DC/sound card for my PowerBook G4 1.25 GHz, due to some kind of electrical shortcut.

After this repair, my airport connection has become very unreliable. After an arbitrary (it seems) period of time, seemingly without any outer cause, the signal level suddenly drops to zero. If I then put the computer to sleep it will stall with a black screen, and I haven't found any other way out from this state than to force a restart och shutdown. If the airport connection is ok when I put the computer to sleep everything works as normal.

After a shutdown and reboot the airport connection always works again, but it seems as if a restart doesn't always give the same result. After a recent restart the System Profiler told me that it didn't recognize any airport card, but after a shutdown it reappeared.

Since, shutdown and restart has given me the connection back in 100% of the cases I have tried (~10 times), it seems reasonable to assume that it is not a damaged cable or connector that is causing the trouble, but rather something driver related. But I'm not fully sure.

Is there some way to remove the, perhaps corrupt, old drivers for the airport card and reinstall them? And how would I find the correct drivers to install?

My local apple service provider recommeded a complete system reinstallation, but that seems to me like a rather brute way of resolving the problem. Plus, if it doesn't work I will have spent a lot of time installing without gaining any insight in the cause of the problem.
