Airport + G3 + Linksys + Tiger = one PO'ed man


Ok, here's teh deal. I'm quite tech savvy and I'm getting very annoyed.
I bought a 900mhx G3, 128mb ram, 40hdd, 12'' ibook. I upgraded memory to 640 and installed Tiger.

I JUST got an airport card I had ordered. I Physically installed it and my ibook recognized it and all... but it is not pikicng up my wireless network.
I have a Linksys router and have 2 computer connecting to it thru wireless. I DO have security on, but the ibook won't even detect the network. I DO have SSID turned on and broadcasting.

The iBook is currently sitting in my desk WELL within 1 ft from teh router.

I double checked the card and reseated it.

Any ideas?
Guys, I don't think I need to express how ANNOYED I am.
I used to work for an Apple-tech company (non licensed. lol) and am A+ certified and stll cant figure this out!!
did you hockup the antena lead to the card. Becasue most people that put in the Aiprort card there self over look that one part. If did it might not be setted all the way down. There should not be any of the copper part showing at all. Be it on a "Airport B card or a Airport G card". You alsom might check to see if the antena calbe might be bad. I had that same thing happen on my Power Mac G4. I had setted the card all the way and had even made shere that the hockups where right just to find out that the antena cable had been bent and so there for had broke. Sorry about all the mispells not that great at spelling. And I'm not drunk.
Can you turn off security for a second to see if that's the problem? Then we can rule that problem out.
Hey Gangrel!

We are brotehr in blood. Except that I am Ravnos' son. ;)

Well, I made sure that teh lead was properly connected. Three times!!

The antenna lead be broken? Well, teh previous owner never cracked teh keyboard open... but I guess that is a possibility.

Turning off security? tried that. And still no signal.

I nice to see some one that knows what my screen name means.
As fo the lead. In the laptops it don not take much moveing it around to brake that little cable lead in there. I know I put a airport card into a ibook about 3 weeks ago now. Will as far I know I had not move the cable to much. But when I tore down the laptop I did a line check on the cale it's self. Will my meter would not make a sound. So you guess it I had to get a new cable and was damn carefull with it. This time when everything was back up and running guess what? WiFi.. That toke about a week to get done.
thanks a lot gangrel.
i'll make that my last resort though :(

anyone else have any ideas?
come on... this is a huge forum and only two people have replied?
i fixed it
here's what i did.

i went to an apple store and teh guy there said that the card may be bad and taht I should take it to one of the geniuses at the genius bar to check it out.

so i rushed home and ran teh Hardware test disc and found that my airport card was fine.

so I installed Tiger again. But this time I deleted everything on the drive and reinstalled a fresh copy of tiger.

believe it or not, that fixed it.
I don't know what happened tho...