Airport link to a PC via Devolo



In my office I have a good Airport connection to my Mac computers. The DSL phone line and router run in to the office.

In my house I have a PC comupter.

Due to the distances concerned and the fact that my office is mainly roof filled with silvered insulation, I can't get my PC to share my airport link, either by relay stations or ethernet cable.

I've invested in a Devolo system which transports the internet connection over the electricity lines.

My problem is this. I want the PC in the house and the Macs in the office to share a connection. I can do this by using an ethernet switch, which shares the airport signal with the devolo plug (ie the ethernet cable comes from the Airport Express plug into the switch. If I do this I get a good signal in my office but very slow at the PC computer.

If, however, I don't use the switch but simply unplug the ethernet cable from the Airport Express and plug it into the Devolo (say, for instance, at night when I've finished work and no longer need my connection) then in this case the signal at the PC is very strong.

Do you have a way I could get a strong signal simultaneously at both computers?

