airport, router, adsl, azureus, java



I work in IT - I use/have used Linux (debian stable + testing; SUSE 7.2; Knoppix; Ubuntu; both at home as desktop and as servers at work), Windows (98, 2000, 2000 server; XP Pro and Home) and Apple (os x, 10.[3,4] only) in various capacities - I have an iBook G4 with a fully updated 10.4 install running - I only updated from 10.3 recently.

I have an ADSL connection, a Billion 7100G wireless modem router and one winbox on the network.

I have been happily using and learning about my mac as I go along - it's only been about 18 months. We've successfully been connected to the net for all that time, wirelessly, through the airport interface, and using azureus to download stuff happily.

Two days ago, I noticed that I wasn't getting good speeds on my Azureus bit torrent client all of a sudden, so I did the research, and changed my port forwarding from 6881 to 52222.

I totally foobar''d things at some point - I think I ticked the upnp option in az and the router. I also up'd the java Az was using from the 1.4.1 to the newer 1.5 (which I think Apple calls Java 5?)

Anyway, I seem to have things largely fixed apart from one minor problem.

Whenever I start Azureus, I get connections for about 30 secs, and then my internet connection disappears completely.

I cant ping google (no dns, I presume) and when I tried pinging the router I get ""no route to host".

ifconfig -a show's me that en1 (I presume this is the "airport" - it confuses me, I'm used to eth0 or eth1 in linux :) has no ip. I can't work out how to re assign the ip address to the en1. ifconfig en1 up doesn't work either...

I have the ip set manually in the network setup in sys prefs, so as to get the port forwarding right - dhcp makes it hard with the NAT .

Anyway, I downloaded some other bit torrent clients just now - tomato, bits on wheels and tranmission, and they are working fine - although it's hard to tell, since azureus was such a rich client comparitivly!

Anyway, so I was wondering if anyone else had expereinced this problem, and if there was any word as to whether it's a java, azureus or osx issue?

