Airport: Sharing an airport connection



I wonder if anybody can help me. I have a new G4 1Gz dual machine with airport card in. Plus an G4 Ti powerbook with airport card in.

Ive managed to find out how to connect to each other via Airport. However I have no clue to how I set up the machines to connect my Powerbook to my desktop machines internet connection under 10.2.

I've also tried Apple help (CRAP!!!)

Anybody know?

So much for Apples being easy – Thanks

I have an Imac connected to a network and a G4 Powerbook. Both have airport cards.

Under "Sharing" in the system preferences of my iMac there is an "internet" tab. If you click that internet tab there is a button to push to start sharing your internet connection. Underneath that there are two check boxes. Click the check box marked "Share your internet connection with Airport-equipped computers". Once that checkbox is checked, you'll find a button towards the bottom of that panel that says "Airport Options...". Click that button and up pops a setup panel for a software airport station. This is different the "Create network" option under the airport menu. That just creates a computer to computer airport connection. This is more like the old "Software Basestation" OS9 used to have. Once this is all setup, you should see an up arrow in the little airport icon in the main menu bar. The connection is now running. Turn on you Powerbook, and look for the connection under the airport icon. When you click that connection it will ask you for your password that you should have setup when you made the "software basestation" previously described. You should then start receiving a signal. The only other thing is that both network setting for the airport cards need to be set to DHCP, which they are by default.

Mine works perfectly.

Good Luck.
First of all thanks for your help ;)

However since I am using PPTP for my network connection, then those options disapear for some reason.
You should still be able to make a computer to computer connection over the airport card with manual IPs. for you networked computer for your Powerbook.

Then you set-up the airport to use the address as the router address. Put the same DNS server address in the Powerbook that are listed on the networked computer. This connection is independent of the network connection.

All you need now is some NATd on the networked computer and you will be sharing the connection. Used to the same thing on 10.1 before they added the network sharing capability into 10.2. Of course I used Brickhouse firewall then and it had NATd built in. There are some articles out there on how to do this and should not matter whether or not you are using pptp or a network connection.

Good Luck.
I finally found out how to do it. In the Apple firewall prefs.

Create a new port 80 and call it something like airport share.

And bingo... its working!!!

Port 80 is for the web.

Do you want to use this port or can you use some obscure port like 8081?
