Airport & TiBook and MacOS X connecting to PC Network with Proxy


Here's an interesting question/problem I'm having that I can't seem to find anywhere after much searching.

I have a TiBook and have hooked an Airport to the work network which is all windows with a proxy authenticator. Now, when I attach ethernet to the TiBook (running OS X) and sign in with my proxy name and password - everything works fine - telnet, ftp, etc...

But, when I attach the airport up (and try to make it look like my proxy login and password), and then have the TiBook talk to it, I can't get out or anything... Any clues as to what needs to be set in either the Airport Admin Utility or the Network section of the Preferences panel for MacOS X???? I would really like to get the wireless part working for a little more freedom of mobility at work...

many thanx!!! :p