Airport Xtreme and Windows XP Internet Sharing Problem! HELP!


has a mac beyond repair
I've got a problem that's been existant for awhile now.

I live in a pretty small 2 bedroom condo. The airport is in my room and the windows pc is literally 15 feet away diagonally in the other bedroom.

Now Windows wont pick up the Airport network automatically. After just pounding the wireless utilities in there, I can sometimes get it to pick the airport up but it has a deadly low-signal quality. This shouldnt be because I can wander around outside with my Powerbook and surf the net...including outside the windows pc bedroom.

So. Anyone know how the hell I can configure the stupid Windows PC to pick up the Airport better and STICK with the connection? Not drop it. Thanks.
Can you give us a little more detail? Airport base station? Have you changed channels?
Peer to peer only? (no base station) Is the base station your DHCP server? etc.
I have the brand new Airport Extreme WITHOUT 56k and ex. antenna jacks.

My cable modem goes into the Airport Base Station and then it does its thing.

Theres no password either.

So yeah. I dont get it!
I guess the next thing I'd try is to find another WiFi network to test the PC on. Is it a laptop? If not a laptop, try changing the orientation of the computer, so the antenna is facing where the AEBS is.