

hey, how do i know if this machine has an airport card in it without like opening the sucker up? Heres a screen grab of Sys Profiler,if it helps..... oh and how to get airport on an old PBG3? PCMCIA???..... Thanks
Ok this thread is becomin Very annonyin, thats the third time my connection timed out on me....hopefully this pic will go with it this time..... fingers crossed <g**&%#6 dial up.....>


  • screengrab2.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 28
Well my computer at work doesn't have airport and with that in mind, my system profiler doesn't have an airport triangle (like yours). So I'm guessing you have one.
Check profiler tab #2 -- Devices & volumes. I'd expect it to be listed there.

And at least some G3 powerbooks DO have an airport slot (although NOT an "Airport Extreme" slot). My Dad has a black Powerbook G3 with the bronze keyboard, and it has an airport slot. You have to pop the keyboard off to get to it, but it's there.
You do indeed have an Airport Card installed. If you didn't, Airport would not show up under the Newtork section.
You have to have an airport card installed because that address: is a MAC address and it's unique to every single ethernet interface. Since you have a MAC address showing, that means there's an airport card installed.


Oh btw, is there any way of viewing those quicktime movs on on this pc?? damn thing is on a network <broadband is a god send> and Internet explorer never has the proper quicktime drivers installed, all the machines have quite recent versions of quicktime but the .mov's wont play in the browser and cant seem to download them.......
Maybe try installing the newest version of Quicktime. You can't even download the movies if you right click and go to save link as? Sometimes IE has a hard time playing quicktime movies in the browser, but you should still be able to download the movies.

the systems are locked to prevent you installing stuff, the version of quicktime is quite recent but it doesnt have the plug-in in MS Exploiter, and cant right click & download them either, does anyone know of any other sites other than that provide the mov.'s?.......