Album artwork screensaver not loading


I have recently uploaded album artwork on iTunes, both through the iTunes 7 feature and also the manual drag-and-drop way. The screensaver, however, does not recognize all of the files. It's not that it doesn't recognize those that I've downloaded through iTunes and not the ones I've manually input, or vice versa. Just that only about 15 albums show up. Very irritating, and makes for a really boring screensaver. Any ideas on how to get it to recognize all album covers?
I'm having exactly the same problem. I have over 400 albums in my iTunes library, and most of them have album art downloaded for them. The art shows up in the player window in iTunes, but the screensaver only loads about 20 images and just keeps repeating them.

OSX 10.4.8, iTunes 7.02.

Hasn't anyone else seen this happen?