All P2P file sharers are unindicted federal felons!

thats why i have a cordless drill with a 1/4 inch bit on my desk at all times. when the feds knock down my door, i can drill 6 holes through my HD in 17 seconds flat erasing all evidence of my P2P felony activity. :D

*EDIT* for those who missed my joking nature, i dont really have a cordless drill on my desk to destroy my HD in fear of the feds. :p *EDIT*
Originally posted by kendall
thats why i have a cordless drill with a 1/4 inch bit on my desk at all times. when the feds knock down my door, i can drill 6 holes through my HD in 17 seconds flat erasing all evidence of my P2P felony activity. :D

I suppose you have your entire CD library located on a trap door above an acid bath. And right when the feds burst through the doors and windows, you pound that big red button sending that CD library into oblivion. What about your ISP records of the IP addresses information was sent from and to? Oops!
i moved this to news because i think everyone needs to see this and understand why we have a zero tolerance for participation in illegal warez distribution at
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
I suppose you have your entire CD library located on a trap door above an acid bath. And right when the feds burst through the doors and windows, you pound that big red button sending that CD library into oblivion. What about your ISP records of the IP addresses information was sent from and to? Oops!

i dont keep backups on CD or DVD of illegal material and all my illegal activities online are conducted through a japanese proxy. Tada!

*EDIT* just like the drill, this is a joke as well if you haven't already figured that out! :D *EDIT*
I doubt that they'll prosecute all song swappers with this law (all what, 60 million of them :rolleyes:? ) maybe just a few of the big-time swappers just to make an example.
Originally posted by Cat
Could this be taken as a confession in a court? ;)

i dont think so. much the same as movie stars can profess up and down as to how they are habitual drug users on jay leno yet not get arrested the moment they leave the stage and get thrown in jail.
Yeah, that is the difference. The big problem is that the speeds and abilities of P2P haven't quite caught up with major mirrors and the like. This makes P2P very unattractive as a host mirror service, and winds up hosting a slew of copyright infringing shared folders instead... since it is now a service you cannot provide on the major mirrors.

If we can change this, it would probably make P2P more appealing for more 'legit' purposes. Getting fink packages over a P2P network would be rather nice...

Of course, digital fansubs will remain on IRC/P2P no matter what happens, due to the legal hoops surrounding multi-national lawsuits. And then there are the companies willing to turn a blind eye because these fansubs give them ideas on which movies and series to attempt to bring to their country.