Allowing a PC on my Airport network?


Barking at the moon.
Okay here's the deal, I want to get hooked up with XBox Live .. but my XBox is on the TV downstairs and my cable modem is upstairs. I don't want to pay $150 for someone to run the internet wire down to the xbox, so I came up with this little plan and I'm hoping someone can tell me if this will work.

Is it possible for a Windows 98 computer to connect to my Airport Basestation? If so, what kind of wireless card do I need to buy for his computer?

Thanks for any info regarding this!
As long as the card supports 802.11b wireless ethernet, it should work just fine. If you're using WEP encryption, you'll have to translate the network password to one that the Windows computer will understand. This can be done from the Airport Administration software. There's a menu item somewhere that will give you the "Equivalent Network Password." That will give you what Windows will likely refer to as the WEP key.