Andrew File System (afs)


ill never 4get watsisname
Does anyone know of a way to connect to a afs server. I have searched everywhere, i found one but it involved a lot of modification to my local file system and wasn't suited to a system where it would only be connected to the network sometimes. (I have a powerbook)

Is there such a beast that is like a ftp client? Ideally i would like to mount the share on my desktop just like most network file systems afp, smb, cifs etc. I believe this is would involve developing a kernel extension - has anyone done this?

Any help appreciated
I've been searching for info on how well OpenAFS works with MacOS X, particularly given data and resource forks. I am very seriously considering implementing OpenAFS on my Mac, Windows and Linux boxes for data redundancy, etc. but have not found answers on how well OpenAFS works on MacOS X.2.