
muCommander 0.3 is preety unusefull, based on Java it's running very slowly and don't even have half of functions of Wondows Commander 5.0. Do you know any other NC clone for X (graphical, not MC)?
Mc in the terminal is about as close as you will get from what I've seen.

If you do find something let me know.


This brings back memories of when I used to work at the hospital and I wrote a report generator in WordPerfect 5.1 macro language. The Compaq 286 I worked on used Norton Commander, one of the best file navigation programs I've ever used - simple and efficient.

muCommander is fast enough. Man oh man, I can't believe this, I'm home! [brings a tear to me eye]

The FULL UNIX path is right there in the title bar of the window (where it should be), and I can even copy and paste it, OH OH OH...YES!