Annoying yellow mouse pointer


Hi All!

I need to connect from my Mac to HP server with Open Suse 10.2.
But I don't like yellow mouse pointer. I suppose this is an Apple's X11 fault.
How can I change colour and shape of X11 mouse cursor?
Hi All!

Thanks a lot for your attention, I've just found the reason of such strange behaviour: I uninstalled Apple X11 and installed XOrg 6.2 from Fink ports.
But I've noticed one minor disadvantage: OpenGL works veeeeery slow.
THat's weird. I've never experienced a yellow pointer in X11. I'm running 10.4.9 on an iMac G5 and using the latest version of Apple's X11 for Tiger. For me, it shows a black pointer similar to the one used by the Aqua interface. The only other pointer icon I've seen is the "X" but that's normal in X11.
You have an Intel based mac right? There is a little bug where the endienness of the cursor under X11 is messed up. Here is a like to a patch that will fix the problem. And yes apple's x server is lots better in the OpenGL area.