another opinion thread...

Nice site man! Those buttons on the right hand side make me dizzy when I quickly move my curser over them. =P
It's very nice but the music loop needs some work.
It shouldn't be quite so obvious that it's looping.
Did anyone look at the site with Windows? Or with OS X? I have only seen the site in OS 9 w/ IE 5.1 and NN 4.3
I updated the sitea little more... I am not sure if you will notice a difference. There is a new audio track. could you tell me if it loops correctly. thanks.
I think the design is very cool and the music is cool to.
The only thing you need now is some interesting content:D
Originally posted by julguribye
I think the design is very cool and the music is cool to.
The only thing you need now is some interesting content:D

yes... the content should be coming soon. Is there anything that could be improved?
I think you should change the nav bar to not make the text skip over to the right when it's highlighted.

btw, how did you make the music? Is it midi?
Originally posted by julguribye
I think you should change the nav bar to not make the text skip over to the right when it's highlighted.

btw, how did you make the music? Is it midi?

rollovers... you think those are bad? Crap! I spent a lot of time on those!

There is no way MIDI could do that. I had that track on my HD, not sure where it came from. But I like it a lot. Very cool. I think I will listen to it now.
It's working ok under Mozilla .99 on Mac OS X 10.1.3. I turned my sound down, since I prefer my web pages silent, but I can tell you that the rollovers on the right work, and so does the "screenshots" popup, unless there's supposed to be more than one picture there.


-the valrus
If you want a simpler url free I have a great suggestion for you.


it's a redirecting service that gives you the possibility to get a url like this:
no ads

I use it myself, it's really great!
Originally posted by julguribye
If you want a simpler url free I have a great suggestion for you.

I have used this place before. They add some kind of weird frame... it ALWAYS messes with my sites. I cannot use them :(

screenshots pop-up > there is only one image right now.