Another reason the iPod is great...


Switched the Other Way
I just read a review of at c|net and one of the user review responses was...

"Great idea, poor implementation"
Listening to audio books via my pocket PC is great. The only way that makes sense is their monthly plans. For 12 to 15 per month you get 2 books. If you go piece meal, the books will cost your 2 to 5 times as much. You can get them on tape for cheaper. They have lots of software problems, many of which have been ignored despite numerous customer complaints. As an example, you can insert bookmarks while listening to books, so you can go back to a particular spot. Unfortunately, if you load a second book onto your PPC, all your old bookmarks are erased and you have to hunt for the spot where you were listening. If you have two books loaded on you PPC, it doesn't go to the spot where you were listening. It goes to the start of the last book loaded. There are many other problems like this. This problem has been around ever since I joined, about a year ago. The real problem is that their tech support is almost useless, and they don't address these long standing problems."

I'm not sure why this guy says listening to audio books via his Pocket PC is great and then contradicts himself and says it's flawed, but that's not why I'm writing this thread: we just learned about the very well thought out bookmark system Apple did with iPod (bookmarks are even transferred between iPod and iTunes! that's what I call Apple quality!)
Just more proof that the best success is found when both hardware and software are made by the same company.

Oh, and here's the review link:
Aren't you bored of telling Apple's better than PC all day long ? QUIT IT ! (and sorry for shouting)

Everyone knows this. We read the news. PC users too. They know the iPod, they know the Pocket PC, they know c|net.

That's only my opinion, of course you can continue (as many others here) posting news for outside, which is (IMHO) just useless and boring. But I'm personally convinced this kind of thread makes the forum lose some quality, to my eyes and to PC users' too, even more than to mine.

I'll add that there's nothing personal :) Not making enemies ! I'm just a bit annoyed. And one more time, that's just me.
I just let fall down my iPod and it showed me 3 images, each 2 seconds. But now there's only 1 image shown, you can watch them here:
My iDisk

And when i shake my iPod, it sounds like the HD is loose....

Help me out please!

Buy a Pocket PC from Snowball.
LOL ! :D

Just kidding. Bring your iPod to some retailer to get it changed (still have the guarantee ?). If the disk is loose, maybe the connections between the disk and the rest of the iPod are damaged. Don't try to repair yourself is my advice.
"Aren't you bored of telling Apple's better than PC all day long ? QUIT IT ! (and sorry for shouting)"

well SORRY toast if you think I am blatantly shoving pro-Apple propaganda down people's throats "all day long". If I came off that way in my post, then sorry, I didn't try to.
I think most people around here do read the news but I don't think they know EVERYTHING about iPod, Pocket PC, etc. Especially something like the Pocket PC bug - I bet that most people on these boards don't use a Pocket PC since they are predominantly Mac users; if they have a PDA they probably have a Palm/Handspring. The fact that the Pocket PC has this fairly major Audible bug is a problem I think people should be aware of, so that if they use an iPod they don't take it's features that work properly for granted. I know that I, at least, would have taken it for granted had I not known.

As a general comment on your post about people posting news here: Yes, people do read the news by themselves - that's great for them if they enjoy doing that. But what do you consider to be the point of this board? Why do you (-> toast) read this forum at all if it only rehashes what you have already read at c|net? What do you expect to read here?
I mean, it IS the Mac News & Rumors Discussion board - where else are people supposed to talk about news and rumors? (just like you, I'm not trying to make enemies here, I'm asking an honest question)

Finally to senne:
you may have better luck posting in the Mac Hardware forum or in the forums at, but here's some quick advice...
If the iPod is still under warranty, don't try to take it apart. Instead send it in to Apple and they will more likely than not replace it with a refurbished, or if you're lucky, brand new model. The whole process takes about a week (I am going through it right now) mostly because Apple uses overnight shipping.
Originally posted by toast
Buy a Pocket PC from Snowball.
LOL ! :D

Just kidding. Bring your iPod to some retailer to get it changed (still have the guarantee ?). If the disk is loose, maybe the connections between the disk and the rest of the iPod are damaged. Don't try to repair yourself is my advice.

Wow, so you really get a whole NEW iPod when you bring it to your retailer?? So that means i'm getting one of those new 10Gb iPods, WITH A NEW SCROLLWHEEL!!:D :D :D :D :D

you don't get a brand new 10 or 20 GB model, you may get a new 5 GB model. Probably not though. I just heard of some people getting entirely new models back when they sent their broken ones in for repair. I was hoping Apple would send me a refurbished model of the same price I paid (10 GB) and not the same model I got (5 GB), but I didn't keep my hopes too high. I should get a fixed Pod in the mail soon and I'll tell you what happens... :)
Originally posted by Snowball
you don't get a brand new 10 or 20 GB model, you may get a new 5 GB model. Probably not though. I just heard of some people getting entirely new models back when they sent their broken ones in for repair. I was hoping Apple would send me a refurbished model of the same price I paid (10 GB) and not the same model I got (5 GB), but I didn't keep my hopes too high. I should get a fixed Pod in the mail soon and I'll tell you what happens... :)

Hunk? You got a 5GB iPod back and you had a 10GB??? Explain please

sorry for the confusing writing...I'll start from the beginning

My 5 GB iPod had short battery life and more recently had a screen problem (the screen looked "burnt", kinda washed out). I did some research online at places like and found that some people had sent their broken iPods back to Apple's repair facility in California. The iPod they got back from the repair facility was not the same one they sent in. It was either a refurbished model or a new one, but more frequently a refurbished model. The fact that some of these people got entirely new iPods was what I was trying to point out to you.
I don't know about people who walk into retail stores like CompUSA getting replacements but I do know that people who walked into Apple Stores DID get their iPod replaced usually on the spot. (The Apple employees supposedly use a diagnostic tool that sticks into the headphone port's extra ring on the outside to determine whether or not it's defective.)

Anyway, I called Apple support about a month ago and they said that part of my battery life issue would be addressed by the 1.2 firmware update: post is here.

They also suggested I try to loop one song to test battery life; i.e. one song would play from the RAM constantly. But this test did not pass so I called Apple again and this time I got a nicer tech who offered to let me have the Pod replaced, which I opted for. This means that last Friday I sent my iPod into Apple and I should get either a refurbished model back or (unlikely) a new one back in the mail this week.

What I was trying to say in my last post is that I was hoping Apple would replace my iPod with another iPod of equivalent monetary value (i.e. I paid $400 for my 5 GB model and was hoping they would replace it with a new thinner 10 GB model since now the 10 GB models are $400.)
But the tech said Apple does replacements by model (5 GB model) not price ($400).

Is that clearer? please don't make me write this again. :)
just goes to show you that apple needs some help with these little consumer devices. shake my ipod a little and it sounds like an old watergun with all the little pump pieces loose inside. Cheap! they need some heavy duty army style shock absorbtion in there next time, not this delicate waterford crystal crrrrud.

But I guess it would be a little bit bigger then, huh. Sonofabitché!!

Originally posted by Snowball
But what do you consider to be the point of this board?
Well, as I don't read the news because I'm too busy with and (and with French press), I find tiny bits of info down here (new Chimera, new such, new such…). That's why I read those threads.
I also like the Rumors side: the things that are not in the news ;).

What I don't like to read are those big blocks of info, with the source at the top. The link is enough. Summarizing the idea of the text can be of some use too, IMHO !

We agree on the "senne point": there's a guarantee that should let you get the iPod that's closest to your model in a few days.
Originally posted by dave17lax
just goes to show you that apple needs some help with these little consumer devices. shake my ipod a little and it sounds like an old watergun with all the little pump pieces loose inside. Cheap! they need some heavy duty army style shock absorbtion in there next time, not this delicate waterford crystal crrrrud.

But I guess it would be a little bit bigger then, huh. Sonofabitché!!


Actually, that slight rattle sound is not controlled by Apple - in fact, that is the last thing they want to change about the iPod. Why? Because that sound is the hard drive (made only by Toshiba)! I think it has something to do with the magnetic heads being parked when the disk isn't spinning. While it probably won't do any damage to iPod, intentionally shaking it probably isn't the best idea. Maybe the rattle is less (or more?) pronounced with the 10 and 20 GB models?
I did not notice the rattle until i got back from a roommate had used it and it suddenly was making new noices. Basically it's no biggie. Just a concern
I sent my iPod in after dropping it out side the gym on the hard concrete from a very high distance. It tried to work.. Then I called Apple help and they told me to format and reinstall. Then it stopped working all together. So I sent it in and got a brand new one. In two days!!!

Now I make sure not to drop it!

:: ::
Originally posted by mightyjlr
sorry about what happened to your ipod, but those screens are HILARIOUS. I'm still laughing!!

Hehe, it's nothing, i was laughing too when i saw it for the first time.
