ANSI C compiler for X?


official breaker of macs.
i couldn't find one in i need something that saves to ANSI C standard *.c file. in lab they use MS visual studio and borland turbo c... can anyone suggest a program to use?
thanks ^_^

- boi
I think the Foundation programs are just programs that run in the terminal under ANSI C. But i'm not 100% on that.
Could you be a little more specific?

I think pico and vi can save to .c files... What do you need saved as .c that isn't allready?
do you mean you want a compiler, or an IDE? The ProjectBuilder IDE is perfectly capable of dealing with .c files

The compiler you want is cc - the gnu c compiler. It's there alright if you have the dev tools installed. It goes at /usr/bin/cc though.