There is nothing that we, as citizens, are going to do to change his mind. He has nothing to prove to this nation. He does not have to display every piece of evidence to the American public because most Americans are incapable of handling the truth!
WOW! That is SO wrong! I think I can safely state that I believe exactly the opposite... Even when already elected, a president or PM has to justify his actions towards his citizens. Not only to his voters, but also to those that didn't vote for him. Especially when it concerns matters unforseen at the time of the election. Imagine somebody winning an election by making a lot of promises and keeping only a few: he would need to justify his actions or at least explain them. E.g. A candidate mayor promises a new library and then when elected drops the plan. If he gives no reasons (bad economy, natural desasters, other unforseen events, etc.) the voters should make themselves heard. Either by public protest, by forming an interest group, by supporting the opposition, by raising funds etc.
The ultimate power of any democratic nation resides with the people, so their actions should never be underestimated, because even when protesting, this is in the interest and for the good of democracy.
In Italy and in the Netherlands I've partecipated in public protest and constestations both in school and at the university. Nothing 'official' ever happened. We occupied the school building, marched in protest against the government's plans for education, publicly insulted (well, not too vulgarly ...
) our PM and ministers etc.
At the last anti-war protests there were very offensive signs (Way beyond "Bush Terrorist"), but the police was very cool. There were also equally obscene messages directed to our own PM (Balkenende), but they were left alone as well... We're quite democrati here in the Netherlands, so there is no need to invade The Hague ...