anti-M$ catch phrases


Recycle Me!
I've decided I want to make a collection of clever anti M$ and windoze catch phrases... so far I have:

"The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck is the day they start making vaccuum cleaners"

"Mac OS for Creativity, UNIX for Power, Linux for Stability, Windows for Solitaire"

"Computers are like air conditioners: they stop working when you open Windows"

All of those I've seen around here, and I don't remember who said them, so if they're yours feel free to claim them... yay!
Maybe not a catch-phrase per se, but one of my favourite anti-Microsoft quotes is from the Woz himself:

I think that the anti-Microsoft sentiment is simply due to their having been so successful selling a lot of crap. They have done some good things though, even for the Macintosh. But they are a company that has been as bad a guy as any monopoly could be, not a good guy. I don't trust them with the future in their current form.

I actually printed this out in a nice large typeface and put it on the wall of my cube at work. It does generate a fair number of comments, as you might guess. :)

The source of the quote is on this page a little more than halfway down the page. Do a CMD-F to search for 'crap' and you'll pop right to it. But you really should take some time to read what Woz has to say if you've not done so before. He's a really bright guy; one of the few people in this world that I admire..
I actually have a T-shirt that says: "Mac OS for Creativity, UNIX for Power, Linux for Stability, Windows for Solitaire" Its very cool.
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
He would be correct... in that regard.

sigh??? what is the problem ? ITS FRIDAY ! Everyone drive to redmond so we can all take turn pissing on the microsoft HQ's sign.
Sort of off-tangent, but I've seen:

"Intel Inside - Idiot Outside"
(a bit unfair, since Intel make some good processors. I'd far rather pick on windows)

But remember, if you can't back up your rhetoric with some actual information and knowledge, you're going to look like a right prat when someone asks you what your M$-sucks posters mean. Make sure you know what you're talking about.

Yesterday someone asked me why an "expert" like me (ha ha) would use a mac. I said they were superior to windows in every way.
He scoffed, went on to say he was an expert in these things and had built his own PC, then asked why I wasn't using windows.
"Windows is strung together from an assortment of haphazardly documented, uncompatible technologies, redundant formats and legacy devices, which is why it crashes. The mac is stable, reliable and runs every app you could ever want, and it runs UNIX."
"What's Unix?"
"Its a networkable operating system that's been around for three decades. Have you heard of Linux?"
"Oh, yeah, that's the one thats useless, right?"


You just have to remember that M$ has put its propaganda everywhere, and most PC users have no idea that alternatives even exist, let alone that there are OS's out there that work reliably and do more than Windows. In fact, if I had listened to computer teachers at school and experts in the shops I'd be unaware of the existence of linux/unix, its only in the professional world that they're making inroads. Most people don't talk to "real" technicians when they go to buy a computer, they talk to the guy in the shop.

In short, make sure you can back up what you say, and understand that most people believe windows is the one and only option (and that crashes are a fact of life).
Originally posted by Nummi_G4

sigh??? what is the problem ? ITS FRIDAY ! Everyone drive to redmond so we can all take turn pissing on the microsoft HQ's sign.

I think this is the first and only sentence of Nummi I would like to agree! May I join you Nummi???:confused: :p :)

hehe thanks for the advice. I have a lot of ammo though, don't worry ;) Unfortunatly I get to use it quite often. Here at Villanova, a school that "strongly suggests" purchasing a new computer if you own a mac, I get into a lot of arguments with people who just pass by my room, see my G4, and decide they want to open their ill-informed big mouths. In addition to a crowd of rich, closed-minded, spoiled white kids, villanova is raising mac-haters!

Yeah I complain a lot, but I'm 2 lazy to transfer :p
ok, here is a paraphrase of gumse's sig - it makes sense the way he has it there but needs this change to be a slogan:

I only use Windows when I'm getting paid by the hour.

Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
"Computers are like air conditioners: they stop working when you open Windows"

LOL! :D I love that!

I do not know if this has been posted before but I just noticed that Apple put an anti window phrase in OS X :eek: ( maybe I should have posted this in response to that "I think MS hacked Darwin" thread ) anyway, if you close all windows in the Finder and control-click on the finder icon in the dock it will come up with a menu that says "No Windows" :p

Have a great day!

Just so you guys know, that first M$ catch phrase in the first post is mine (see my sig). :D And I know someone else had the air conditioner one for their sig.. I mentioned that too -- I love that. :)

I'd like to amend the third one, though:

"Mac OS for creativity. UNIX for power. Linux for stability. Windows for Solitaire. Oh, wait, and then there's Mac OS X for, well, everything!" :p

Also, martinatkinson... Apple did nothing of the sort. The "No Windows" comment refers to the fact that there are no Finder windows open, so it's a perfectly valid thing to put in the operating system. It CAN be interpreted differently, though.. ;)
Originally posted by simX
Also, martinatkinson... Apple did nothing of the sort. The "No Windows" comment refers to the fact that there are no Finder windows open, so it's a perfectly valid thing to put in the operating system. It CAN be interpreted differently, though.. ;)

Yeah, I know, I just thought it was pretty funny. I know Apple would never do anything like that.

Have a great day!

Now I have a funny story to tell...

Does anyone of you remember the "ILOVEYOU" Virus that affected pictures in different formats???:confused: It was a Virus written in VisualBasic, so it couldn't affect a mac.:)
Ok... Now we have a company named "Axel Springer Verlag". Its one of the biggest company in germany and sells books, Newspapers and stuff like that. I dont know the exact name for something like that in english.:(
Although this is such a big company they had about 10000 PeeCs and about 1000 Macs. Now one of the PeeCs was affected by the "ILOVEYOU" Virus and it went over to every other F..... PC! Even the main Server lost all pictures. The macs got the virus too. But it couldnt do anything and they were able to backup all the pics from a mac!:D
Now what the Apple part of the company did (the funny thing) was they put an ad into the Newspaper (1 full page) Wich says:

Liebe Windows-User:
"We love you"

That means something like...

Dear Windows-Users:
"We love you"

From that day on the Axel Springer Verlag uses 95% Macs and the rest Linux!

LOL! Apple didnt like the ad. But I thought it was funny!:D :)
I remember that... I think Apple's problem with it was that Axel Springer Verlag published the ad with Apple's logo, and used the same typeface that Apple uses, etc... The ad was laid out in such a way that if you didn't know better, you'd have thought it was an Apple ad. The lawyers @ Apple couldn't say they thought it was funny, but I have to believe that they did. :)