any good open software vector illustration application ???


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member

I just played with GIMP, which is more or less what I need for image retouch.

I'm now looking for something similar for vector graphics, mostly schematics. Is there any such software for X11 or MacOSX ?

It's not exactly what I'm looking for... I'm looking for an application that would be to Illustrator what GIMP is to Photoshop.

Don't know any program that will work, like AI, with SVG, AI, and PDF. I *think* you should seek some cheap DTP program to work with EPS curves, that will do.
You could always try "sodipodi", and if you get it up and running on a Mac; be so kind as to post your binaries somewhere...

I beleive it is in Finks "unstable" tree, but I don't like Fink. It puts stuff where I don't want it...

The source to sodipodi, as well as binaries for various Unix derviatives and Windows is at ""
I'm downloading sodipodi... I'll tell you how it operates. I'm using fink. I'm don't master UNIX well enough anymore to install packages without fink. I should learn again.