Any new iBooks coming soon?


I know we can't predict the future, but this IS a rumors forum so I thought I'd ask.

I have to buy a laptop within two weeks for a conference. I'm going to get the lowest end iBook as it suits my laptop needs fine and the price is great.

Anything on the grapevine about any new iBooks within two weeks? I really doubt it, but you never know.
rumours about PowerBooks on Feb. 2nd/3rd. Usually, the iBooks get updated some time after the PBs, but we're never too sure - and those PBs are just rumours right now, too. If the low-end iBook sounds good to you, I'd get it. Fill it with RAM, though. :)
The low end iBooks are great. Only drawback is the 128MB built in to the mobo. So you can only upgrade to 640MB. I would imagine that the next low end iBok will come with a g4933 or g41ghz with 256mb built into the mobo. A friend of mine has the 1ghx iBook and I didn't really notice any performance difference. I would get the one that's out now. I'm using one right now.

Thanks for the info. That's what I wanted to hear. I'll get the base 800MHz model with 640 RAM and call it a day. Over time I plan to phase in the Bluetooth, Airport, wireless mouse/keyboard, etc. but I just don't need that stuff right now.

A buddy of mine has an older model 12" iBook. I love it. It's very compact and light, but still very sturdy. I don't even mind the keys. And from the little I played with it, it seems to run just fine.

What is really going to make this a good deal for me is that I approval from my client to rent a laptop for a month for $500. I decided instead to just apply that $500 to the purchase, so I'll essentially get a 12" iBook with 640 RAM for what, around $800? Couldn't pass it up.
I have the current iBook G4 800mhz, love it to death. It runs fine on 256mb of memory, but as soon as i get a job................. i plan on upgrading that to max and getting an airport card.
I recently went from a G3 600 iBook to a G4 1Ghz model and the speed difference is very clear. It gets a little warmer on the bottom but not as bad a PB. Both had max ram but the G4 is much spiffier. The slot-loading CD is nice, the keyboard has a better feel (I prefer more feedback from the keys and the new iBook is an improvement over the others, which I feel were softer than the clamshells). The battery time is as good, if not better.
And I opted for the AirPort Extreme card and once I changed my station to an Extreme station, I'm also noticing a very big speed increase (from fast to very fast) on my wireless Broadband. That and the price was right. I wished they offerered the 12 as a 1 Ghz, but I'm very happy with my 14-inch G4. It'll be around at least until the G5 PowerBooks are delivered and any bugs worked out.
Thanks speedfrreak for the RAM location suggestion. I intended to just have the Apple store put it in, but they were out. Annoying.

The 512 at 4all is under $100 now. Wow. I remember spending $150 for 8MB for my Mac SE.

In case anyone cares, here's my thoughts on the purchase...I stayed disciplined and got the lowest end model, iBook 12". Since the other iBooks offered no better resolution and I could read the 12" just fine, I couldn't justify the larger screen. I did some basic speed tests. It's really unfair to do such a thing in a store since there are so many variables, but to nobody's surprise, the little iBook struggled more than the others. Frankly, the entire iBook line was poky, but then I'm pretty demanding with speed. It wasn't until I played with the top end PowerBooks that I really felt I was using a computer that could hold up under production deadlines. This is in no way dissing the iBooks, they are great for what they are. I would describe my experience with my iBook as "adequate". That's as high a praise as I'm willing to dish out, but I knew that going in. I suspect the additional RAM (still to come) will help a little. It's also not built as well as the PowerBooks. Duh. For some reason, I had it in my head that the iBooks were the silver metallic of the PowerBooks. I don't know what I was thinking. Love the keyboard feel though. For some reason I've always liked the "chicklet" keyboards. Let's put it this way, for $1200 with full RAM, it's a very decent laptop.

Now that 17" monster, that thing could move. Holy crap. I can't imagine what a G5 PowerBook will do.

I played with a DP G5. Unfortunately, because they skimp on RAM for all the store displays (that I could see), I was easily able to choke it by launching all the dock apps. I mean I really choked it. Apps were stil launching three minutes later. Disappointing. And then I did the same Photoshop tests I had done on the iBooks and the G5 was slower! Bear in mind, I fully realize I blasted the thing, choked its hard drive cache and plus the RAM sucked. I know it would impress me under normal conditions. It damn well better.