Thanks Dekatophil, but this seems to be a word processor, not a text edditor, hmm i am getting confused here... i am interesting in an editor that would alow me to edit html or other tags so is text of course.
Yes you are right textEdit does support utf-8
so is bbedit, at least 6.5, i do not know about other versions, i believe that i finaly found a way to save and more impotrantly open and edit uft-8 documents. But no hebrew, with or with out os9 language kits i seem to have no way of typing in hebrew, in any direction.
on theother hand id does show up somewhat ok in mozilla 0.97. the browser seems to get confused when it encounters numbers or any other "english" character like brackets. and seems to turn the sentence around that character i, looks kind of funny.
I would have to try OmniWeb.
I was also able to find this link that contains a big list of utf-8 editors for osx and other and in general alot of information about utf-8. Very helpful.
still not sure if any of them would allow me to type hebrew