Any Powerbook 17in User Reports Yet??


Bases on the people who have received their 17 in powerbooks. How do you like them? Is there anything you do not like about them? I am still waiting to see one.

Just got mine. So far, I love it. It's a very classy machine. The speed is quite good, as well.

Since I hadn't seen one before I got mine, when I took it out of the box, it seemed absolutely HUGE. It was like a wide, thin monolith.

The keyboard seems very solid, and the trackpad is nice and large. The screen seems to have an exceptionally wide viewing angle.

Honestly, though, I haven't really had time to put it through its paces. I'm still excited by its arrival. :)

Originally posted by solrac
I totally need to hear all the user reports ASAP.... I'm 90% sure I'm getting this one!!!
After your quad 6 GHz G5 tower, I'm not sure the 17" Powerbook would seem very fast. :cool: