any way to decrease startup times in 10.2??


I have a 500mghz tibook with 768megs of ram runnin 10.2. is there anyway i could speed up the startup process, it seems unusually slow? how long does it take you guys to start up?

10.2 does start up and login way faster than 10.1.x IMO.

To make sure you are starting up as fast as possible, check to make sure you don't have Network time turned on. If you do and the network is unreachable, this could slow your boot time as the OS will wait until it times out before continuing to boot.

Also, turn off anything that you don't need in the Sharing pane. If you don't need Windows sharing, turn it off, etc.
Those all load at boot time and can speed up boot time if they are turned off.
i have none of that on, the part that takes the longest is the new apple screen, that takes at least a minute. once that is finished it zips threw the rest of the stuff in 5 seconds. but that first screen is what takes forever... any ideas?
I believe that if you hold down the v key, OS X will boot in verbose mode, meaning it will print out what it's doing when booting. You might want to try that and see what it's hanging up on.
72 seconds for 10.1.5
53 seconds for 10.2

the apple screen on 10.2 is much longer than on 10.1.5 but the BootPanel takes only seconds now.
When I first installed Jaguar I did it by upgrading and I too thought that the apple screen seemed to stick around for ages when booting.

For various reasons I decided to re-install Jaguar doing a full install with a re-format.

Since then I'm sure boot up is quicker (haven't actually timed it) and the apple screen goes away sooner.

Could it be doing any de-fragging during the start up that perphaps takes longer with a messier system or something?

Hmmm - I guess that would only be slow the first time though so perhaps not!
Is it taking "years" to check memory first ?

It was possible to by-pass this check with OS9 and that significantly accelerated boot time.
I have noticed that if appletalk is turned on, the startup is A LOT slower. But thats 10.1.5, dont know about .2
10.2 boots faster because it starts up services in parallel when possible.

For example, after networking starts it can start httpd and network time together. However, it can't start all three at the same time because the second two are dependent on the first.

Anyway, holding down the v key (as mentioned before) should display who the culprit is. I wouldn't reinstall or anything that dramatic. This is unix, that kind of shotgun approach to solve mystical problems is better left to OS9 and Windows.

Apple screen is sticking too long with me, too. The boot process afterwards is more than okay (blazingly fast even!). So verbose mode doesn't help at all, as the verbose mode kicks in only after the Apple screen delay.

I've seen that sticking behaviour on 2 white iBooks, a Pismo PowerBook G3/500 and my own TiBook G5/400 I had to install Jaguar on. And it didn't go away either way.

One was a clean install, two were updates, one was archive & install, so I can't see a reason why a clean install would help.
Originally posted by cabbage
72 seconds for 10.1.5
53 seconds for 10.2

the apple screen on 10.2 is much longer than on 10.1.5 but the BootPanel takes only seconds now.

What system are you booting up on?

When I did my own informal test (as soon as the system goes from black screen to anything, to the time I could use it - time and menus shown up, etc.)...

10.1.5 = 1min 3secs (give or take 5 secs)
10.2 = about 35 secs

Maybe cause I have a 933 QS, with lots of ram (1024mb)? I did the upgrade, so it must have just updated the Kernel.