Any word on a Tiger patch for KOTOR?


Ever since I updated to Tiger my Knights of the Old Republic has crashed on start-up. I used Aspyr's support form and asked them about it and they said there were some issues with Tiger and they would be releasing a patch shortly. That was about a month ago and they haven't added anything to their site, does anyone know anything about this?


Aspyr e-mailed me again, with a temporary fix until a full patch can be made/released. I can confirm that it does indeed work.

Aspyr said:
Here is a work around that has worked for alot of people. In the Finder, go to your home folder, open the Library/Preferences/Knights
of the Old Republic folder.
Double click the 'swkotor.ini' file to edit it in TextEdit
Scroll down to the section [Graphics Options], and add the line "Disable
Vertex Buffer Objects=1" (without quotes)
Save the swkotor.ini file and close it.

Remember to tell the customers that they will take a performance hit but at
least they can now play until a permanent fix can be found.
Aspyr Support Team
New Update: After playing for a short time I realized that the game quits when you go through a new area and the auto-save occurs. I wrote back to Aspyr, I have yet to get a response to this however.