Any WWF... err... WWE fans?!

Is there a petition for the World Wildlife Fund? I'd sign that...

Oh, wait, that's probably not what you wanted to hear... ;)
It's okay... but this is truely a shot in the heart to one of the most recognizeable companies in the world....

it is truely the end of a legacy...
chalk up this match to the wildlife!! one of the best court decisions ever made. and finally wrestling makes a weak stab at reflecting its true nature!!

sorry BB, but i for one think the world would be a better place without pro wrestling. I have seen it indirectly contribute to more violent behaviors than i care to relate.

Here's to the real WWF. Long may them critters run free:D
Get away from me.

Im glad! I hope they get that trash off the TV. It takes up too much prime time spaces. They should take it off and replace it with nature shows.:D
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
I had a feeling I shouldn't have posted this here... nobody to support me! :p LOL
We'll support you, just not about this. ;)

My take on the whole thing is that whoever got the name first should have it. I do think, however, that it was a poor idea for the World Wildlife Fund to sue the World Wrestling Entertainment for the name. I can imagine the next bazillion WWE matches beginning with "Because of those stupid animal lovers, we had to change our name!!!! Well we're not gonna take this lying down!!!! NO!!! Let's go kill some wildlife!!!!" And they don't need any encouragement... ;)

Anyway... Back to reality... Or some semblance thereof
Did anyone hear about World Wildlife Foundation using a statement something to the effect of, "It disappoints us to see small children goto with the intentions of saving endangered species, but they are forced to view scantily clad women."

Anyways, the funny thing about that is, even though it is changed to WWE, still redirects to I feel that lacks a lot of sense.

PS: Hey everyone.
Wow... life keeps getting better and better!!! Macromedia had to pay adobe 2.8 million. and now the wrestling world gets a kick in the balls. All I have to say is: AHAHHAHAHAHA.
I think that there should be a
Quite frankly this WWF deal has been around for a while. I think that the wildlife people are just a bunch of opportunists. I am not a big fan of wrestling, but if they wanted to swat this, they should have done this a while back.

I agree Admiral. This whole thing is stupid. Who had the name first?

And what small child would want to go to a nature website?
Personally I would have been delighted to be redirected to a site with scantily-clad women!
But I loathe pro "wrestling." I'd like to see a grudge match between a representative of the (real) WWF and the WWE. Say, the Rock vs. a polar bear or a great white shark.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I think that there should be a takes you to the World Wildlife Fund

"It disappoints us to see small children goto with the intentions of saving endangered species, but they are forced to view scantily clad women."
What's wrong with that?! And exactly how many little children actually would rather save the environment or watch "sports entertainment"

Anyways, the funny thing about that is, even though it is changed to WWE, still redirects to I feel that lacks a lot of sense.
A lot of people still don't know about the name change.
I just had a wild thought which came from a high school flashback. directs to the whitehouse web page. One of my classmates in high school was doing a project (internet newbie) and went to, a porn site by accided (.com, .org, it was all the same to him). he got in a lot of trouble and our internet priviledges were all cut off, anyway, shouldnt the white house have a lawsuit against that porn site, its the same kind of ground!

Also what little kid will go to WWF ? Last I daw, there was no 10-year-old on a boat with a big GREENPEACE or WWF sign stoping boats carrying petroleum products enter harbors :p
Originally posted by genghiscohen
I'd like to see a grudge match between a representative of the (real) WWF and the WWE. Say, the Rock vs. a polar bear or a great white shark.

I can just see that...

"Know your role and shut yo.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggghhhhh!!!!"
The "Jock" vs. one fast, agile, mean-as-hell jaguar (score one for the Apple Jaguar!)

"Let's Get Ready To Rrrrr...... oh, man, I think he's definitely ready....oh, shit...."
-Some stupid wrestler vs. a great white shark

:) :) :)