Anyone Apple Desktop Certified?


Anyone out there have the Apple Desktop Certification? Is it a hard exam? I've been working in IT, primarily Apple, for about 5 years paid now and thought about taking the exam without the full training kit.

Anyone here have any insight to how rought the testing is?

Any info would be great! Thanks!
The monitor test section is the hardest. If you know all about all the Apple Monitors, their software and utilities, and which is used for which, the rest of the test is passable if you've been working on Macs for five years.

It's all multiple choice on a PC

Of course, I suppose that if they ran the test on a Mac, you could 'cheat' by poking around in Finder & so forth to "research" your answers...
Well if they did it right, you wouldn't be able to quit the program at all without a password... but I suppose a cheap PC with cheap testing software works just fine.
This company does testing for hundreds of other companies, dodn't think using a Mac would have been an option when they started.
As an update, I still didn't take the hardware exam, but I managed to get the Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist without really studying. Test was a bit tricker than I expected and it really reminded me of the SATs.

I'm thinking of going for the ACTC this weekend, so wish me luck! :)
Does anyone know what kind of resources I can look into for studying for these certifications? I realize hands on experience is always the best but I don't get to play with Macs other than my iBook so I'm hoping there are books that I can read. Any suggestions?
Apple actually sells a web based study resource. It's pricey at $300, but covers the Help Desk material as well as the hardware certs. There is some info on the new features of Panther server and such, so that may help for the ACTC.
If you don't use Macs regularly, even with study materials, there are things you won't know. I remember when I took the test a few years ago. A few questions I didn't remember seeing in any books or material.
Well, I can say that the study material Apple gives you in the $300 package *will* get you through the ACHDS test. My exam was very much so taken from the pages of that study guide.

Now, does anyone here have the Server Admin cert? I'd love to go after it, but the study guide from 10.2 is quite frightening!