Anyone get their Macworld subscription?


has a mac beyond repair
When I bought my Tibook like 3 months ago, I had a buncha software with it, either way somewhere in there was an offer for a FREE Macworld subscription. I filled it out and mailed it because hey, its free and a magizine!

..Its 3 months later. No friggin magizine. Anyone else have this happen?
I get mine. :) Its running out, I am letting it. I didn't read one issue I don't think.
Their articles seem to always be out of date... Thats just my experience with them... Expecially their reviews...

I get them alot, I don't know why, because I've never asked for them.

I finally got my first issue! Yeahhh!....but...youre right. Macworld has always been a bit out of date with their stuff. Oh well. IT was cool to read the 20th anniversery of the mac article
I subscribed for one year then let it go... they kept sending me the "Please, please come back" things in the mail... I called them up, complained about it saying "Look, I don't want to buy your magazine!!!"

But for some reason they are still sending me a normal subscription... <shrug>
i registered mine in october. still got nothing.

except for an email telling i'll be running out of the subsricption.. so if i want to renew it etc. yea right, if i never / so far got no magazine, why would i want to renew it?
I get the digital format... downloaded one, didn't look past page 5, now the 2nd one is ready for download - and I could care less. :p
I get the electronic version. I like it because I don't have to find a place to keep them afterward, and I don't feel as guilty if I don't read them.
I had it for one year and read it more like a freaking history book...cause that's what it was convering. In all fairness, Mac geeks tend to stay on the bleeding edge of rumors and news, so anything going to print will necessarily tend to be late. That said, it doesn't give them the right to could be redirected towards matters Macintosh rather than covering out-dated news.

I let me subscription go because they could never get my issue to me on time...and in some cases at all.

I bought my Mac well over a year ago - actually more like two - and never got the subscription. Recently I got some scammy looking email from Macworld and I wrote back and said "hey, this looks like someone's trying to scam my info, posing as Macworld. And by the way, where's my free sub?" After a bit more back and forth I seem to have received an 8-month free subscription.

So being a squeaky wheel has its bennies.

- Bob
.. oh, i've got now 2 numbers. it's weird how old the stuff on paper seems, such like rumors... ;)
I feel your pain, last Sept. when I renewed my .mac account Macworld was supposed to be a gift subscription for a year,HA HA!The joke was on me,got one digital issue then nothing,zilch,bupkiss.....