anyone have an apple with an internal combodrive?


preferably someone who has a quickilver

please tell me who the manufacturer is. the generic one i bought is a little too big to fit out the quicksilver cdrom tray hole. also i cant get itunes under OSX to use it correctly.

so i will buy the proper drive if i just knew which one it was. too bad apple doesn t sell parts for their systems.

I own a dualG4 800 Quicksilver bought in dec. 2001.
the combo manfacturer is Pionner, model no.: DVD-RW DVR-103
firmware v.1.49
You're right, I'm wrong, I own a superdrive. Sorry lethe, I sometimes don't speak the apple tongue properly.
made by toshiba. model # is DVD-ROM SD-R1102.

Thats what it says in Apple System Profiler anyway. Im on a QS 867.
thanks gwinet. i ve heard that is the model from another quicksilver owner too. i have been unable to find that drive available from any retailer though...
I bought G4/867 w/combo in Europe.

What I got was not a Toshiba, but, according to ASP,
a `MATSHITA' (apparently short for Matsushita) CW-8751
(as I type from memory - currently using a different
machine it could be something like CW-8571 or similar).

Even if you find this in retail, it would perhaps make sense
to measure the tray - the drives in QuickSilver need a lower-profile
tray to slide through the front panel opening than your
standard-issue optical drive typically has. Even the name of the
product does not always tell you everything (as in Power Mac G4).
