I think the first generation MacBook Air was introduced in 2008 - if I recall correctly? Just wondering if anyone here has (or knows anyone who does) an older MBA and how do you like it? Does it still run great? Any problems? Any regrets? Etc.
Looking forward to hearing from other MBA owners. I just bought mine a few weeks ago....lovin' it!
I own both the oldest MBA and the current 11" model. Worlds apart. I mean: They're both extremely slim and light, but the older one had a lot of quirks. Never really good for watching high res video full screen (the fans would start blasting and CPU usage would go to 100% right away) plus the battery quality certainly wasn't up to par.
I have the new 11" MBA as well. I just LOVE it! I am amazed at this tiny machine's abilities, speed and power. And the graphics are incredible! Yeah, I think Apple made a smart move when they didn't rush this generation of MBA and took nearly 2 years to tweak and improve. Worth the wait, IMO!
AND........... (picks up my silver baby and shakes it).......... solid! FSD.....no moving parts.