anyone know what this means?


i am trying to copy something tho my harddrive and keep getting an I/O error message anyone know what this means?

it is now telling me that i can't copy the files to the hard drive because the name of the file is to long for the hard drive but i changed the name to 1 and it still said that
kkeheley said:
i am trying to copy something tho my harddrive and keep getting an I/O error message anyone know what this means?


It might be a good time to rescue as many important files as you can. I made the following relevant entry in SuperDuper's forum:

Hmm, I wonder... try this: select the file you're not able to copy. Control-click it. From the contextual menu that comes up, choose to make an archive of the file. What happens?

If you have TechTool Deluxe, run it; do only a "Surface Scan." What's the result?
Is the external HD format for OSX? When I purchased my Lacie drive, I was eager to get it up and running and started dragging files to it, and got the same error. I went to disk utility and found it formatted for windows. Formatted the drive for OSX and have not looked back.