anyone with a flat panel imac play warcraft 3?


official breaker of macs.
if so- how does it run? i'd love to know, as i'm about to purchase a new 17" imac. it's all riding on this- if i can't play WC 3 at full detail in decent resolution- i may just move to the PC market :p

I have. It runs really great. the cursor is a little sluggish at times, but that'll be fixed in Jaguar, and you'll get it cheap :)
did you play it at high texture level/shadows/etc? decent resolution? i was blown away by how my friend's Dell 1.4ghz w/Radeon 7500 64mb played WC3. absolutely incredible. the new 17" imac geforce 4s are 32 mb =(. i hope they can hack it. i know nothing about video cards/games/etc. WC3 was my first game purchase since descent 3.
I played it at high everything and all cool options turned on, 1024*758*32 and it ran great. like I said, the cursor was the only problem, but that'll be fixed in Jaguar.
schweeet- that makes me happy ^_^
gonna go preorder that bad boy now!
I have a TFT too, and WC3, and it is GREAT!

Best game I've played, and I find that the cursor isn't too bad... cause I seem to get this weird doubling where I can see the Mac OS cursor and the WC3 cursor at the same time. the Mac cursor works fine, and the WC3 one is a LITTLE slowwer.

But the game listens to where the Mac one is :P

I havn't played it under OS 9 yet though...