AOL DSL required to have Win


Chic Not Geek
My friend planning to order AOL DSL. He want to keep AOL account. We went thur and click on High Speed and show up message said. Its required to run DSL with Win Program. That's bull$hit! Anyone know about it?

How much is the AOL DSL? In some instances it might be cheaper to just buy cable or dsl from a separate provider and keep a limied time AOL account, which can also use the new high speed connection.
I understand your point. If he want to keep AOL and he have to pay $21.00 a month to use AOL plus other DSL provider maybe $40 buck.. Who knows that AOL offer everything at once more cheaper than sperate DSL? I have no idea how much it cost for AOL DSL. But my point that AOL DSL dont support Mac
and i give you another good reason not to use netscape and thereby support those who will not support us. even if aol dsl does support macs, it sounds like they don't want to make it obvious and encourage it. aol has always been the choice for computer morons (even idiots know better). "it's so easy" (to wrap yourself in a cocoon and never learn how the internet actually works):rolleyes:

so why not take this opportunity to show your friend how to use the internet from a simple isp with dsl or cable? show them they don't have to have all their choices organized by big brother and they will not become a social isolate from switching email addresses.:p
You could bypass the AOL-provided DSL USB modem software driver.

You need to know exactly the means of DSL connection. Generally, there are two options:

(a) standalone DSL router: faster, can work with your machines off, no driver or software conflicts, easier to setup a LAN behind DSL, easier to share internet between machines, more secure, etc. The modem is slightly more expensive.

(b) USB DSL modem: slower, need a slave machine, possible driver, software or OS conflicts, trickier to setup, not so easy to setup a lan, less secure, etc. It's the cheapo option.

Option a: it works flawlessly with any OS, safely ignore their clueless OS requeriments. Ignore as well their comments about requiring a serial M$ windows soft, I just configured a DSL router this weekend using only ethernet.

Option b: ask what model of DSL modem you get, some even have MacOS X drivers. Consider buying a standalone router in the future.
