App for search engine submission and suggestions?


can anyone advise on successful apps for mac when you need to submit your site to search engines please? There are companies on the ewb that specialise in this for a yearly fee and claim they submit on a minthly bases, i.e:

any advise?

thanks in advance
hi antonioconte.

i'm not sure this will answer your question, but here are my 2 cents:

i remember using a small company's service in the first year i tried to get my websites rank higher in the search engines; can't remember the name of the guy running it... cost was minimal, he had some automation tools and some information on his site - but basically all of the info i could have found myself doing some online research. (if you are interested in his site: let me know, and i'll try to dig up the url.)

i personally suggest to not waste too much time trying to submit to all sorts of search engines, or spending money on a 3rd party company doing it on your behalf. the key is good content, regular updates, and following some basic seo (search engine optimization) principles. with one of my sites (the 2nd site i ever programmed) i suddenly got top results - top 5 on the first page - in both yahoo and google for the most important keywords in that industry - and i hadn't even applied any proper seo!!! it is also important to have a good linking strategy: this can generate quite a bit of traffic. (however, i got the good google & yahoo results with ca. 3 incoming links!!! go figure... ;-)) also google adwords and yahoo search marketing can be worth your money...

hope this helps somehow...

hi, thanks for this, my only prblem is I don't have time. I have found another company called . I just thought the packages I used to use still exist? thanks!
Unfortunately I cannot give you any help regarding the two companies you mentioned, since I don't know them.

Your best bet is to do some research re their reputation (make sure you do so through more than just Google, also check on Yahoo, and maybe some other search engines, since results can vary quite a bit).

The one thing I can tell you is that there are plenty of dodgy companies out there who want nothing but your money. (They usually cover their a**es in their terms & conditions.)

If you consider how much time it'll take you to do the research, how much time and money you can possibly lose by falling for a scam: maybe it would be worth your time (say, 30 minutes a day) to do the whole thing yourself. Google & Yahoo are the most important search engines (and you can submit to them manually) - you will eventually be listed in dozens of others after some time, just from their robots crawling the net... If you still want to have a 3rd party company do the job for you, I suggest you find one that does more than "just submit to the search engines" - possibly an SEO company.
