Apple & Adobe


Story in full here.

"Apple Computer and Adobe Systems, like many in long-term relationships, have seen the 20-years-and-counting bond between them run hot and cold. [...] Signs of frost have been accumulating for the past couple of years, with Adobe dropping Macintosh support for several software products and introducing others as Microsoft Windows-only applications." At the same time, Apple has quietly pushed Adobe out of certain markets by offering its own digital media applications for Mac OS X
While I think the article did a nice job of pulling in all of the recent happenings between the two companies, the rest of the article was embarrassingly bad. No comments from Apple or Adobe or even unnamed officials. Quotes from regular Joes on the street asking leading questions and reporting commentary as fact.
While I think some of the article's suppositions are indeed correct, it's more muckracking and comment-attracting being passed off as true journalism.
nothing really new. just things that weve discussed over and over again !!!
And why isn't it worth further discussion if the article just came out and other sites have something on it?
Plus, no matter what my own feelings are concerning the investigative quality of the report, it does bring to the fore certain perspectives voiced on this forum from serpicolugnut, among others. So, rather than being something new, it's a new take on something we have been discussing here before and probably will continue to do so long after the memory of the article has faded from memory.
If you're going to make non-constructive comments like the one above, one could argue that almost everything discussed here has been mentioned at least once before.
Well, Adobe mentioned before this article came out, that they have a very solid relationship with Apple still. This is just another doomsday article with Apple sinking because they lost another product by Adobe.
However, no article ever mentions that they dropped those products because either there was a better product, another product by Adobe that incorporates these features, or that the product was obsolete.
Obviously written by WinTel zealouts.
...however Apple does tend to drive developers away. Take Adium as an example. It was the best little app one could imagine, a great AIM client. What does Apple do? They make iChat. What happens when I launch other AIM clients? Whenever I get incoming messages the client quits and iChat launches...

I can't recall who originally made Stickies, but I remember a time when they weren't bundles with the OS.

In the future, I won't be surprised if Apple builds their own version of LaunchBar and Salling Clicker, killing those two marvelous pieces of software as well. Will I use the Apple-made things? Hell yes, they are right there, but two innovative developers will now be out of a job, and will likely stop developing for Mac OS X.

In the same way, I fear Apple will one day do as with Final Cut to Premiere, they will kill off Illustrator, Photoshop and GoLive.
it may also happen that apple buys the app and hires those innotative developers to work on making an apple app. now thats not a shame !
all this cnet article proves is that the Mac has better apps for Video,audio, and Image. than windows... which is why Adobe keeps cancelling apps for Macs and makes them for windows.. where they are needed (and are bought) :)