Apple and Iridium


I just checked and yes, there satellites are still orbiting. Very interesting... not sure if it would be possible to broadcast tunes to a ipod down the road and (though highly unlikely since you only get a max of like 10 Kbps data exchange) if you could creat a phone small enough to actually be apple branded... but it's quite interesting. With 60 Billion market cap Apple needs to do something other than just spend on R&D on new ipods and computers... it's time to move ahead!!!!
Even though Iridium's satellites are still in orbit, the company itself most definitely isn't. Satellite telephony proved to be too expensive, especially when the existing telco's were willing to sell phones for their own networks at incredible losses just to win clients.

There are already satellite radio providers such as XM and Sirius, and so far it has not been a very profitable and successful enterprise. I doubt that this is a direction that Apple are likely to want to take.