remembers George Harrison...

ThE OutsiDer

What I love best about Steve Jobs fruit electric company...
They keep their 70's hippy roots and take time out to rememeber those who changed the world.
I have nothing but great memories of my mum playing The Beattles music on record, and when i was young used to love that song "I've got my mind set on you" and the clip had all the funny animals singing to the song. Heres to you George for giving me something to smile about so innocently...:)

Kudos apple.
It was always 'the American way' to make a dollar while being nice. (We go to war for all of you as long as we make money...)

Of course Apple does that not because of their hippie past, but because it helps their image.

I think Apple should have done more of that when Douglas Adams died. For he was one hell of a crazy guy that changed the world, while George Harrison was a member of a band that was not unfancy at their time.
George Harrison affected a lot more peoples lives than Douglas Adams! The music transpired anything written language could!:D
Well, what I really meant was not the quantity of 'changing lives' but more the quality perhaps. See: Microsoft changes the lives of billions of people everyday. But that would be an endless discussion, I guess.

What I really meant was that while Douglas Adams belonged to the 'Apple Masters', George Harrison did not. He was the fourth Beatle. He liked to play the guitar. He was world famous but he was not the one to write those songs. IMHO George Harrison was not one to really think different. Douglas Adams was the best example. And I think they should have done more on their site when DA died.

I would also question whether it is Apple's duty to mourn for famous people. As I mentioned before: It's for the money. They want to seem as sympathetic as possible, but at the same time, they just want to sell more iMacs.

I think that in the 80s Apple did a better job in how they gathered the image to be the sympa-company. They simply made better products. Every detail on the Mac claimed to be friendly. Now we have an OS that does want to tell me it's better to have .EXTentsions on your file names. :) And that rearranges my icons on the desktop at will, as it seems. And a George Harrison photo on instead of a tips & tricks section that would tell me how to avoid the icon rearrangement.

Apple might also have to do another 'Think Different' tv spot or change the slogan and do a completely new kind of tv ads.

" - where dead popstars come back to live" complete with mp3-archives? :)
regardless of motive, the fact remains that apple paid homage to george harrison, which is a tasteful thing to do. my guess is someone really liked george harrison and decided that the apple site should have something on it.
no matter how you look at it, it's a nice thing- i can't believe there are some that take it offensively.
fryke, you criticize them for doing this to help their image, yet you complain that they didn't do more for douglas adams. you claim that george harrison didn't 'think different' and therefore shouldn't be on the apple site at all. it's not permanent, the picture will go away in less than 24 hours.
and your complaint about OSX has little relevance to paying homage to someone who has passed on. there's plenty of support on the support tab is only a click away.
"naysayers say 'nay!'" huzzah to the conflict theorists!

Oo boi o.
Of *course* it's a tasteful thing to do. I don't say it's not. I just think this is not Apple's place. There are three kinds of people: Beatles fans who will like the picture at, Beatles haters who will think 'What the HELL does my favourite company have to do with that?' and the people who just don't really care about George Harrison ('Who?'). And to the latter the picture is a - however mild - annoyance. It's a 196Kb picture! At 3K/s (which is not unusual with a modem connection) that makes more than a minute. For information that is of no interest (at least not directly) for Apple's consumers/customers.

Please don't say I said George Harrison is not worth a 196K picture, that's not what I said. :)

Apple has an image of a friendly company. And of course they must (I'm an Apple fan) support this image and maybe even extend it. But the ways of extending it must be well thought of. Someone at Apple seems to have decided that they use the news that emotionally touch people around the world should be used to extend the image of Apple as a friendly and sympathetic company. But this can be very dangerous. I'm glad that after the Sep. 11 event Apple mentioned the Red Cross and not something along the lines of 'America must go to war', because this way they at least avoided to send out a political message that would have hurt a lot of feelings around the world (people who not only don't like the US but straight away hate the US). It's dangerous for Apple to extend their image in such emotional ways. It could fire back.

Now I know that George Harrison doesn't really have enemies and foes around the world, and of course even those who really don't like the Beatles also don't think that his death is a happy event.

To point it out one more time: George Harrison has nothing to do with Apple (yes, I know that the Beatles' records were published by 'Apple' the record company who once sued Apple about the name when they started getting into the music business with their computers). There are celebrities that are associated with Apple in one way or another. By being fans, by sharing philosophy, whatever. Those are the guys that - from time to time - could be in the focus of Apple's website. That's why I mentioned Douglas Adams.

Enough for tonight. Unless somebody wants to flame on in the next few minutes... :)
I think one could make a case that it goes with the "Think Different" slogan, as in the line "love them or hate them, you can't ignore them" from the commercial. They have used a picture of John and Yoko in their ads before, so I think it's only fitting to pay a little homage to George.
Originally posted by fryke
I think that in the 80s Apple did a better job in how they gathered the image to be the sympa-company. They simply made better products. Every detail on the Mac claimed to be friendly. Now we have an OS that does want to tell me it's better to have .EXTentsions on your file names. :) And that rearranges my icons on the desktop at will, as it seems. And a George Harrison photo on instead of a tips & tricks section that would tell me how to avoid the icon rearrangement.

Fryke, if you even THINK about turning this talk about George Harrison into a post to bash OS X, I will personally kick your virtual ass. Because I hate that, and OS X has nothing to do with George Harrison.

testuser: Like you said, you are extremely cynical. Maybe Apple is trying to improve its image, but I don't think it is as bad as you make it out to be. I'm sure many people at Apple really did respect and honor George Harrison, and they wanted to reflect that in their website. People who work at companies aren't robots, you know.
candidate for Thinking Different as D Adams! Why...

because he was the one recognised as introducing the Beatles to all things of Eastern spirituality, music, religion,, philosophy. This precipitated into the best of their music. This is truely "Thinking Differently".

Three cheers for George!:D :D :D
Originally posted by simX

Fryke, if you even THINK about turning this talk about George Harrison into a post to bash OS X, I will personally kick your virtual ass. Because I hate that, and OS X has nothing to do with George Harrison.

I'm not much of a Mac OS X basher. Mostly because I use it as my primary OS for months now. And I like it. Please read my posts carefully and answer to the point. My point there (where I mentioned Mac OS X) was that Apple should focus on using their website as a means to provide information & support about their product palette.