Apple Computer Models


Mac Enthusiast
How often do Apple (on average) release a new model? For example, the current iBook was released a few months ago, will they release a new one soon? Hopefully it will have at least a 667MHz G4 in it. That would be nice! It'd be nice to see it as powerful if not more powerful than the current PowerBook.
I'll guess around 4 times a year. In 1999, at least in the first half of 1999, they released a new mac every month. Ah, that was good times ;)
On they ususally list the upcoming events and MacWorld expos, where they usually release something new.
Originally posted by Veljo
Hopefully it will have at least a 667MHz G4 in it. That would be nice! It'd be nice to see [the iBook] as powerful if not more powerful than the current PowerBook.
Yeah that makes sense. :rolleyes:
I think that Apple would wait until iBook sales slump, just as they did with the iPod. Becuase its been selling so well, they felt no need to lower the price. I imagine that iBooks will be updated with G4's and colors at MWSF, long after the MWNY G5 hysteria has worn off.;)
The new ibook with colours? Mnah... It wouldn't be nice. And i don't think they would do that. I mean, apple is off the Colors --> The apple logo, The iBooks (a loooong time ago you could choose between 5 colours, i think), with the latest versions of the OLD iMac you could choose between TWO colours (Snowwhite and Graphite), and excetera...

Hmm, colors seemed like a great idea to me. Right now, apple is not strictly conforming to and style. The iBook and iPod are very similar with their creamy white and lucite/plastic, with silver trim. The iMac too has this silver trim, but the white has a completely different texture. The TiBook is not silver like the consumer line (including the iPod), and it contains a graphite keyboard, in contrast to the profressional G4 black, and the consumer white. The G4 tower, while arguably up for an update, does not fit at all with its translucent plastic and vertical lines. See, Apple is not conforming as they once were to a certain style, like they once did in the age of the space-egg and clamshell. (Notably, the G3 powerbook never fit in, but that was problably due to problems getting in the G4.)

Elegant colors like Black or Midnight Blue would be beautiful on the iBook as well as the iPod. I'm not hypothesizing this because I want it to happen, I just think that there is a good chance that Apple tries this in the event that they cannot get a product updated, but still need to stimulate sales. They did it with "Flower Power" and "Blue Dalamatian", but then again, mabey thats not a good example.:D
Originally posted by ksv
What about a PowerMac in iMac/iPod/iBook style, but in black?

Oooooooooooh... How about electric cobalt blue? That would be awesome... Or Indigo a la SGI Iris Indigo... Yum.


As I've stated elsewhere, I would love a new LCD iMac in black.

Don't think Apple will do it, but you never know...